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Title 利用Hyperion数据进行环境星HSI红边参数真实性检验
Year 2010
Authors 蒙继华,吴炳方,钮立明,杜鑫,陈雪洋,张飞飞
English Authors Meng Jihua, Wu Bingfang, Niu Liming, Du Xin, Chen Xueyang, Zhang Feifei
Keywords 环境星HSI;红边参数;真实性检验;Hyperion
English Keywords HJ-1 HSI; Red edge indices; Validation; Hyperion
Journal Link www.gpxygpfx.com
PDF 2014520151321891.pdf
Abstract 针对我国新发射运行的HJ-1A星HSI数据,利用高光谱分辨率的Hyperion数据进行了HJ一1A星 HSI的光谱模拟,提取了红谷位置、红边位置、红边斜率和红边振幅等4个主要的红边参数,对真实与模拟环境星HSI数据的红边参数进行了对比分析,从而以Hyperion数据为参照检验了环境星HSI红边参数的真实性。研究结果显示,环境星HSI与模拟HSI的红边范围光谱反射率平均相关系数为0.946,标准差为0.011,为极显著相关,两种数据在红边范围内的光谱反射率变化高度一致;4个红边参数的相关系数分别为0.414,0.543,0.808和0.802,并且随植被覆盖度的变化旱现出明湿的规律性,模拟与真实红边参数差值标准差分别为5.75,1.86,5.7e-4和0.024,认为环境星HSI的红边参数可以较好反映该Ⅸ域植被变化所造成的红边光谱特征差异。
English Abstract To validate the HJ-1A HSI red edge indices,spectral reflectance data from EO-1 Hyperion of close date were used to simulate the band reflectance of HJ-1A HSI.Four red edge indices(red vale position,red edge position,red edge slop and red edge swing)were extracted from both simulated and actual HJ-1A HSI band reflectance.Comparisons of the 4 red edge indices between simulated and actual HJ-1A HSl were made to validate the red edge indices product of HJ-1A HSL The average correlation coefficient of red edge reflectance between actual and simulated HJ-1A HSI is 0.946 and its standard deviation is 0.011,thus a high consistency could be found.The correlation coefficients of red edge indices between simulated and actual HJ-1A HSl were 0.414,0.543,0.808 and 0.802 for red edge position,red vale position,the red edge swing and red edge slop respectively. An obvious regular varying trend was found for these 4 red edge indices along different vegetation cover fraction.The standard deviations of differential images between real and simulated HJ-1A HSI red edge indices are 5.75,1.86,5.7 e-4and 0.024.The result showed that the red edge indices from HJ-1A HSI is consistent with that from simulated indices from Hyperion;the vegetation variation could be effectively reflected in HJ-1 A HSI red edge indices.